Kate & Allie

Kate & Allie

Synopsis of TV Show

Jane Curtin, an original cast member of Saturday Night Live, and Susan Saint James, formerly of the long-running McMillan and Wife, had experienced a great deal of small-screen success by the time they were teamed up in the half-hour CBS sitcom Kate and Allie. The resulting hit gave both stars another major credit to add to their illustrious TV resumes.

The show focused on Kate McArdle and Allie Lowell, two New Yorkers who decide to share an apartment in Greenwich Village after both went through a divorce. This seemingly simple decision was more complex than it seemed, for two reasons: First, although the two had been good friends since high school, both women had very different personalities: Kate was very much a modern woman, while Allie leaned on traditional ways of thinking and behaving. The second reason was that both had children to add to the mix—Kate’s daughter Emma, and Allie’s daughter Jennie and son Chip.

The stories usually centered on Kate and Allie’s attempts to keep their careers and love lives afloat while adjusting to each other’s differences and dealing with the problems of raising children in an urban setting. Apparently the two learned to get along pretty well, because in 1987, Kate and Allie started their own catering business. The two did everything together, from laundry to shopping to attending school functions, acting as a sort of two-woman support group. Allie was there for Kate when empty nest syndrome set in after Emma left for college, and Kate helped Allie deal with her budding relationship with TV sportscaster Bob Borsky. Allie and Bob were married in 1988, and the show ended at the end of the 1988-89 season.

The show’s creator, Sherry Koben, was inspired to create the show when she went to a class reunion and discovered that many of her former female classmates were divorced with children. As one might imagine, the show had a large female following, women who appreciated the show’s exploration of female issues and the positive image it gave to the concept of single-mother parenting. These devoted viewers made the show a consistent success, keeping Kate and Allie together for five years of ups and downs.

Release History of Prime Time Show

3/19/84 - 5/7/84 CBS
8/27/84 - 9/12/88 CBS
12/11/88 - 9/11/89 CBS

TV Sub Categories


Television Network


Television Studio

Reeves Entertainment Group

TV Cast

Kate McArdle Susan Saint James
Allie Lowell Jane Curtin
Emma McArdle (1984-88) Ari Meyers
Jennie Lowell Allison Smith
Chip Lowell Frederick Koehler
Bob Barskey (1987-89) Sam Freed
Charles Lowell (1984-86) Paul Hecht
Lou Carello (1988-89) Peter Onorati
Ted Bartolo (1984-85, 1987-88) Gregory Salata

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